This young woman in her 40's wanted to change the appearance of her abdomen. She had three children and wanted to remove the stretch marks on her lower abdomen while making her tummy flat.
Her surgical procedure included a tummy tuck (abdominoplasty), liposuction of her flanks and a full rectus diastasis repair ("muscle repair"). Her scar was kept VERY low and is hidden by underwear and a bathing suit. Dr. Hayes uses liposuction to sculpt the each patient's mid-section to create an hourglass figure. This young woman is very happy with her results.
Her surgical procedure included a tummy tuck (abdominoplasty), liposuction of her flanks and a full rectus diastasis repair ("muscle repair"). Her scar was kept VERY low and is hidden by underwear and a bathing suit. Dr. Hayes uses liposuction to sculpt the each patient's mid-section to create an hourglass figure. This young woman is very happy with her results.