This young woman had three children and wanted to change the appearance of her abdomen, flanks and buttocks.
Her surgical procedure included a tummy tuck (abdominoplasty), liposuction of her flanks, buttock fat grafting (BBL), and a full rectus diastasis repair ("muscle repair"). Her scar was kept VERY low and is hidden by underwear and a bathing suit.
Dr. Hayes uses liposuction to sculpt the each patient's mid-section to create an hourglass figure. This young woman is very happy with her results.
Her surgical procedure included a tummy tuck (abdominoplasty), liposuction of her flanks, buttock fat grafting (BBL), and a full rectus diastasis repair ("muscle repair"). Her scar was kept VERY low and is hidden by underwear and a bathing suit.
Dr. Hayes uses liposuction to sculpt the each patient's mid-section to create an hourglass figure. This young woman is very happy with her results.