Portland plastic surgeon, Dr. Austin Hayes discusses breast augmentation surgery. Learn about choosing implants, the surgery, and the recovery. Click "Read More" to check out our VIDEO on 24 hour breast augmentation recovery. Breast Augmentation in Portland Oregon
Some women feel that their breast size is not in balance with their body or may not be the volume or shape that they desire. They may be looking to restore volume that they lost after pregnancy or weight loss. For these women, cosmetic breast enhancement can be the answer. Breast augmentation can be used to balance a woman’s upper body with her waist, hips, and thighs. Portland plastic surgeon, Dr. Austin Hayes specializes in breast augmentation surgery. Dr. Hayes spends a full hour in his office to meet with you to discuss your goals. He will help you choose the ideal implant for your body. This choice is based on your goals and measurements of your breasts. He explains the differences between saline and silicone implants and how to pick the implant size and shape. He will discuss 24 hour breast augmentation recovery and how most patients are back to their day-to-day activities within one day. There are multiple reasons for undergoing breast augmentation in Portland Oregon, including:
Additional Procedures Breast augmentation can achieve dramatic results on its own, but sometimes it's combined with additional cosmetic procedures. Dr. Hayes sometimes recommends combining breast augmentation with a lift (mastopexy) to add volume and improve the shape of your breasts. Learn About Saline and Silicone Gel Breast Implants In Our Portland Office Breast implants are made of a silicone outer shell. They're filled with either saline (salt water) or silicone gel. A 5th generation silicone breast implant is made of a cohesive gel. This is occasionally referred to as a gummy bear, because it is form stable and does not leak when the shell is punctured. There are three main FDA approved makers of breast implants. They are Allergan, Sientra, and Mentor. The implant shell can be smooth or textured. The shape of the shell can be round or shaped (anatomic). An anatomic implant can have benefits for women with very little breast tissue. An anatomic implant provides not only breast volume, but adds shape to a breast with little tissue. Benefits of silicone gel implants:
Benefits of saline implants include:
Breast Implant Manufacturers Allergan (Natrelle) is the most common implant brand used by Dr. Hayes. The implants are FDA approved. The Natrelle implant line includes saline, round silicone and shaped silicone implants. These anatomic implants are made of cohesive gel and are also called "gummy bears". Natrelle recently released the Inspira Implants, which have a higher fill ratio. The Inspira implant has more silicone within the shell, so the gel settles less in the upright position. This gives more fullness in the upper pole and has less chance of rippling. Sientra breast implants are FDA approved and are only available through board-certified plastic surgeons. A Sientra silicone implant is made of high-strength cohesive gel. Sientra makes round saline, round silicone and teardrop shaped silicone implants. Mentor breast implants are FDA approved. These implants are available in round saline, round silicone, and Memory Shape silicone. The Memory Shape silicone implants are anatomic (tear-drop) shaped with a cohesive 5th generation silicone gel. Breast Augmentation Incisions Breast augmentation is performed using one of the following incision options:
Dr. Hayes typically uses the inframammary incision. Scientific studies have shown that the inframammary incision has the lowest risk of capsular contracture, which is abnormally thick scar tissue that forms around the implants. How Breast Augmentation Is Performed: For Dr. Hayes, the breast augmentation surgery itself is a 60-90 minute operation. Pockets are precisely created for the implants. By using temporary sizers, the new pocket is checked thoroughly for symmetry prior to implant insertion. The incisions are small (2 inches) and are closed with four layers of dissolvable sutures. All sutures are beneath the skin and no sutures will need to be removed. The only dressing after surgery is a waterproof band-aid. No constrictive bras are required on the day of surgery. Breast Implant Placement Options include above the pectoral muscle, or beneath the muscle. In greater than 95% of of first-time augmentation patients, Dr. Hayes places the implants under the muscle. When implants are placed under the muscle, the pectoralis muscle provides an additional layer of camouflage for the implants. This decreases the chance of implant palpability and visible rippling. The muscle helps give the implant a "natural" teardrop shape by pushing on the top of the implant to flatten it slightly. Other benefits of submuscular placement include improved visualization of breast tissue with mammography and decreased risk of capsular contracture. Dr. Hayes take every precaution in the operating room to prevent capsular contracture. It is thought that inflammation from blood, or bacteria, contributes to the formation of capsular contracture. Dr. Hayes uses precise dissection technique to prevent bleeding before it starts. Bleeding is kept to an absolute minimum and there is no bruising or significant swelling after the operation. The implant pocket is rinsed with triple antibiotic solution, and the implant is placed using a "no touch" technique with a Keller funnel. Breast Augmentation Recovery: The recovery occurs quickly and most women are back to day-to-day activities after 24 hours. Many patients only take ibuprofen and do not require strong narcotic medications. After the surgery Dr. Hayes' patients head home for a nap and then wake up for a hot shower. The shower helps relax the pectoralis muscles. Pain is minimal and women start arm raises after the shower. They are able to raise their arms above their head with minimal discomfort. Patients are asked to go out for a walk, or to dinner, the evening of surgery. For the first two weeks, Dr. Hayes recommends walking, but asks patients to keep their heart rate less than 100. Most patients return to work after one week. Full cardiovascular exercise, as well as leg exercises, can be resumed at four weeks. Chest exercises, including planks, can be restarted at six weeks. At six weeks there are no restrictions. Complications of Breast Augmentation: Thankfully complications are rare. Early issues include collection of blood, or fluid, around the implant requiring drainage. Infection that could require removal of implants. The known risk of rupture is 1% per year. Breast implants are not permanent and will likely need to be replaced after 10-15 years. Capsular contracture has a less than 5% risk, but can cause the breast to feel hard. Treatment requires surgical removal of the thickened capsule. The nipples can become sensitive for the first few months after surgery. Mammography requires a special technique. There is new data suggesting that breast implants are associated with a form of lymphoma (BIA-ALCL). Thankfully this lymphoma is rare and is readily treatable, but new information is being discovered daily. The current known incidence of BIA-ALCL is 1:50,000 women with breast implants, but may increase with more research. Cost of Breast Augmentation: The current cost of silicone breast augmentation in our Portland office is $6,710. This price may change without notice. Please see our price estimates for common cosmetic surgery procedures. Contact us today for more information, or to schedule your breast augmentation consultation at our Portland, Seattle or Hood River offices. Comments are closed.
AuthorDr. Austin Hayes is a Board-Certified Plastic Surgeon with offices in Portland. Categories
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