Dr. Hayes performs breast lift with implant surgeries in Portland
Breast Lift with Implants in Portland
Breast Lift with Implants:
Breast lift with implants (augmentation/mastopexy), is a procedure for women who want to lift and increase the volume of their breasts. A lift restores a more youthful appearance to the breast, while the implant provides extra volume. A breast lift with implant surgery can be performed using several different patterns of incisions. These can include a periareolar ("doughnut"), vertical ("lollipop") or Wise-type ("anchor") incision pattern. During the procedure the nipple and areola are lifted, the breast tissue is reshaped, and the excess skin is removed. A breast implant is typically placed under the pectoralis muscle.
The Consultation with Dr. Hayes:
During your consultation you’ll have the opportunity to talk about the changes that you may have noticed in your breasts, discuss your goals and the look that you want to achieve. Dr. Hayes will discuss the different types of breast lift procedures and the incisions that are used. You’ll also be able to try on implants to see what size implant you like.
During the Surgery:
The surgery is performed under general anesthesia in an AAAHC certified operating room. This is an outpatient procedure and patients return home the day of surgery.
Most patients can go out of the house the night of the surgery. Portland plastic surgeon Dr. Hayes stays in contact with each patient to answer questions and make sure your recovery is as smooth as possible.
Expected Cost:
The cost of surgery varies based on the type of implant used, as well as each person's anatomy and the time that the procedure is expected to take. The cost starts at around $7,000.
Breast lift with implants (augmentation/mastopexy), is a procedure for women who want to lift and increase the volume of their breasts. A lift restores a more youthful appearance to the breast, while the implant provides extra volume. A breast lift with implant surgery can be performed using several different patterns of incisions. These can include a periareolar ("doughnut"), vertical ("lollipop") or Wise-type ("anchor") incision pattern. During the procedure the nipple and areola are lifted, the breast tissue is reshaped, and the excess skin is removed. A breast implant is typically placed under the pectoralis muscle.
The Consultation with Dr. Hayes:
During your consultation you’ll have the opportunity to talk about the changes that you may have noticed in your breasts, discuss your goals and the look that you want to achieve. Dr. Hayes will discuss the different types of breast lift procedures and the incisions that are used. You’ll also be able to try on implants to see what size implant you like.
During the Surgery:
The surgery is performed under general anesthesia in an AAAHC certified operating room. This is an outpatient procedure and patients return home the day of surgery.
Most patients can go out of the house the night of the surgery. Portland plastic surgeon Dr. Hayes stays in contact with each patient to answer questions and make sure your recovery is as smooth as possible.
Expected Cost:
The cost of surgery varies based on the type of implant used, as well as each person's anatomy and the time that the procedure is expected to take. The cost starts at around $7,000.
Breast Lift with Implants FAQS:
What kind of lift do I need? What are the scars like?
An in-person consultation is needed to determine which lifting technique is best for each patient. There are several different mastopexy techniques that Dr. Hayes uses. Each technique leaves a different scar. These can include a periareolar ("doughnut"), vertical ("lollipop") or Wise-type ("anchor") scar pattern. Dr. Hayes always try to create the fewest number of scars possible to achieve a great result.
Can breast lift with implant surgery be combined with other procedures?
Yes. Breast lift surgery can be combined with a variety of procedures. Lifts can be combined with a tummy tuck and liposuction procedures. The combination of breast lift and tummy tuck is typically called a "mommy makeover."
When can I go back to work?
Most patients are back to work after one week.
When can I exercise?
Gentle exercise can be resumed at four weeks. Vigorous exercise and chest exercises can be resumed at six weeks.
When can I go bra shopping?
Dr. Hayes recommends the patient's wait at least two months before buying bras. After the surgery the breasts will change shape in the first several months.
An in-person consultation is needed to determine which lifting technique is best for each patient. There are several different mastopexy techniques that Dr. Hayes uses. Each technique leaves a different scar. These can include a periareolar ("doughnut"), vertical ("lollipop") or Wise-type ("anchor") scar pattern. Dr. Hayes always try to create the fewest number of scars possible to achieve a great result.
Can breast lift with implant surgery be combined with other procedures?
Yes. Breast lift surgery can be combined with a variety of procedures. Lifts can be combined with a tummy tuck and liposuction procedures. The combination of breast lift and tummy tuck is typically called a "mommy makeover."
When can I go back to work?
Most patients are back to work after one week.
When can I exercise?
Gentle exercise can be resumed at four weeks. Vigorous exercise and chest exercises can be resumed at six weeks.
When can I go bra shopping?
Dr. Hayes recommends the patient's wait at least two months before buying bras. After the surgery the breasts will change shape in the first several months.